Our philosophy - uniqueness
Bioresonance - what is it?
How does bioresonance work?
Bioresonance diagnose
Do you already work with bioresonance? Benefit from the unique possibilities of testing, stimulation and harmonization of IMEDIS devices in your professional environment.
Bioresonance - mode of action and application
Many people today want gentle, effective healing methods that are sustainable and in harmony with natural processes in the body.
More and more patients are increasingly dissatisfied with pure conventional medical therapies for acute as well as for chronic diseases. Therefore, many are looking for help in complementary medicine either entirely or at least alongside classical therapy. One remembers the healing powers of plants and the mechanisms of action of natural healing methods.
Basic concept of bioresonance
Bioresonance is a complementary test, stimulation and harmonization procedure that aims to strengthen the body’s ability for regulation and self-healing.
A certain level and a harmonious distribution of life energy are a basic requirement for performance, balance and health. Bioresonance is based on the findings of modern physics and biophysics, which state that every living being emits a low-energy electromagnetic vibration spectrum. The spectrum of these electromagnetic vibrations contains all information about the current course of all body and organ functions and thus also about whether these are within the normal range (harmonious / disharmonious – physiological / pathological).
Do you know our innovative IMEDIS devices? Benefit as a physician, therapist or home user from the long-term proven IMEDIS method.
Bioresonance procedure
Testing: During the bioresonance test, the electromagnetic vibrations of the patient are detected and “compared” with the known vibrations of countless substances patterns. This happens at the digital information level. The IMEDIS device can differentiate between “positive” and “negative” or ” harmonic” and ” disharmonious ” vibrations. Detecting negative vibrations is the basis for the next step.